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[DL] Money: How much is too much?

In my campaign, my players pick up everything that isn't nailed down and
sell it off at the next opportunity.  I'm talking guns, horses, found mad
science, stuff like that.  This is causing them to garner vast sums of
wealth relative to the average annual income.

For instance, the posse goes up against 8 mounted thugs.  When the smoke
clears, there are 8 dead or captured thugs and 8 horses free for the taking.
They sell the 8 horses for half-book, or $75 each.  They sell the guns (they
have an aversion to single-action, but that's a different post), gun belts,
saddles, everything they can think of.  They collect bounty on the bad guys
if there is one.  Even if they don't know whether there is or not, they
always check.

From a player perspective, this is all reasonable.  When you get the chance
you milk it for all it's worth.  But from my Marshall perspective, it's a
problem because if they're too rich, a $500 bounty on some guy's head isn't
going to set them off on an adventure.

I know this is an old problem, and the old answer is "get them to spend it."
But if each time they shoot up some bad guys they get maybe $90 per bad guy,
and rooms cost $1 a night, it's hard to get them to spend it fast enough.
And I can't send human bad guys after them without the standard
accoutrements.  (They haven't gone up against many powerful but cash-poor
monsters yet because I'm easing them into it.)

What can I do?  Or am I worrying too much?