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Re: [DL] a questioning player (MAJOR SPOILERS!)

> Just to clear that up...

Hey--no sweat. In our group 4 of the 6 Marshal or have in the past, so
everything's pretty much common knowledge. We've even taken to doing our
"Mysterious Pasts" in the open since 2/3's of the group are going to find
out about them anyway. :-)

> BTW, Thanks everyone who responded.  I will be printing those out and
> handing them over tomorrow.  If he has any commentary, I'll sum it up and
> send it, but in all likelihood, given how thorough you were, that is the
> last you'll hear of him. ;-)

No problem. Like I said, everyone is going to have their own opinion. In
this case, mine just happens to be the one that's printed. :-)
