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Re: [DL] Overbearing?

Nothing official that I know of.

I'd let someone use Fightin' Wrasslin (or Brawling at a penalty) to grab
someone, and an opposed Str. roll to overbear someone.
Each raise on the Fightin' roll adds +1 step to the Str. roll.
Each person after the first adds +2 steps to the Str. roll.  (Four people
dogpile you, and you are not going somewhere.)

To break free - Fightin' Wrasslin (or Brawlin or Martial Arts at a penalty)

At 10:57 AM 3/31/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Are there rules for having a bunch of folks pile on somebody and drag him
>down?  Like, for instance, if a guy walks into the middle of a hostile crowd
>and they all try to grab him to keep him from getting through.  Is it just a
>bunch of individual fightin': wrasslin' rolls, or is there some other
>If so, what book can I find them in?  If not, what do you suggest?
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Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Everybody dies.  Whether you die on your feet, or on your knees, is
entirely up to you.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Martin Luther King:
It had a dream.