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Re: [DL] {DL} Playing the Dark Side

At 08:17 PM 3/31/00 -0800, you wrote:
>     You're treading in pretty dangerous territory when you make evil
>characters. A genuinely selfish and mean-spirited PC can royally screw up a
>posse in less time than it takes you to say, "Holy Mephistopheles, Batman!"

True- and in some cases, evil PC's make the best villains.  :)

One of the main reasons I put this question out here is that I have a
player that wanted to play a "dark
monk" (essentially an evil Shaolin type).  I initially denied that one (for
reasons which folks here have
already brought up), but am reconsidering the idea.  However I'll have to
watch it as this particular player is,
shall we say, "very efficient" with whatever character(s) he plays.  :)