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[DL] Re: Cardstock Cowboys and WebRPG

(I'm subscribed to the digest, hope I'm quoting this correctly)

>Doesn't work. Not because of legal ramifications, but 
>because of how online gaming works. If you think combat 
>bogs down in RL, wait to you see what happens online. If 
>you actually count down through the cards, it will take you 
>a month to kill a couple of fish in a barrel! 
>The key to doing it successfully is for the players to give 
>a broad description of what they want to accomplish and 
>give the Marshall some room to work. 

I was thinking of having the Marshal (myself) pull the cards for everyone,
keep track of fate chip pulls, etc. Not for cheating purposes, but that
way I know who needs to move and when.  We are also planning on using Roger
Wilco to speed up communication. We've used it for Starcraft et. al.,
and have gotten pretty used to it. In fact, I'd probably only use WebRPG
for the combat parts--for the rest, Roger Wilco would be able to suffice.
We've used GRW for our large battles in the past, it seems to move pretty
smoothly, and could translate pretty well to the on-line style that
WebRPG offers.  Anyone tried miniature gaming on WebRPG want to comment?


Daniel D Holmes, N7NKR               I'net: danielh@dakcs.com
Standard disclaimers apply wherever you can find a sticky spot.
"OK, your liver, two sheep, and a grain" --
                     Chevan Nanayakkara, during a game of Settlers of Catan