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Re: [DL] Some more questions

>1) What is the damage die progression for a successfully cast "Loaded
>for Bear"?

d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d20 +2, etc

>2) How is the + applied to a roll of 3d12+2?

+2 to the total roll

>3) How does one rectify the positive modifiers to shootin' >for "drawing a 
>bead" (Player's, p. 122) and improved sights (LD, p. >61), since you must 
>spend a round drawing a bead to use the full >benefit of improved sights?  
>The standard "Drawing a Bead" would be >+2/+4/+6.

Drawing a bead gets you +2 per action up to 3 actions.  Improved sights give 
you +1 to all shooting rolls as long as you draw a bead (are you sure it's 
just not as long as you don't shoot from the hip??  Have to check LD for 
sure)  SO, give that then you would be at +3/+5/+7

>4) Just to double check (not knowing one whit about firearms): you >can't 
>combine improved sights and telescopic sights on the same gun, >right?  
>(LD, p. 61)


>5) Does the marshal get to draw fate chips for Critter Companions (RVC) at 
>the start of game sessions?  What about for important NPC's >running with 
>the posse?

Yer the marshal, do what you want.  When I marshal I usually don't have to 
try very hard to have 10 chips by the time the posse faces the "big baddie". 
  Hech, if I'm feelin really nasty I let my chips carry on to the next 
session as well, draw a few extra chips, or give out lots of red ones...  
:->  I also don't usually use chips for random critters or thugs, just the 
major bad guys...and then only to keep em from getting gunned down too 
quickly (yes, the heroes USUALLY win...)

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