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Re: [DL] need some suggestions fast (long)

--- darklord@dark-sky.net wrote:
> Hey all, I took a bunch of ideas from both people
> who have submitted ideas so
> far as well as added some of my own and made an
> expanded haunted house table For
> anyone who is interested I plopped it onto my web
> space as a text file, so here
> ya go, comments and suggestions are welcome.  I
> can't wait to test it on sunday.
> http://www.dark-sky.net/ScaryTable.txt

Some of the suggestions seem good, but I'm not sure
how successful this random table would be.  There's
only a 5% chance to get from the Spooky chart to the
Nasty chart, followed by an 8% chance of then making
it to the Darn Near Fatal chart, or in other worlds
0.4% chance to make it to that table.  You would need
to roll the dice approximately 240 times before
getting a single result from the Near Fatal table. 
You may want to change the chart to a d100 system
(assign 3 numbers to Spooky (20x3=60), 2 to Nasty
(12x2=24), and 1 to Fatal (10x1=10), which would leave
6 slots open (60+24+10=94).  Or an easier method would
be just roll a d6.  On a 1-3 start on the Spooky
table, 4-5 start on the Nasty table, and on a 6 start
on the Fatal table.

Even easier if you're only planning on using this
table once, just choose your favorites and tweak them
to match the flavor of your haunted house.

-Munch Wolf

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