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[DL] Expanded Christian Sinnin' Table

I would say that for a quick guide to what consititutes a sin in
Christianity, and you have access to a Bible, then check out the following
passages that the (copied) email from John alluded to.

The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20 v 1-17 or Deuteronomy 5 v 1-21.
This is as conscise as you can get as to what constitutes a sin.  However
the commandments which are easiest to pin down (like do not murder) are the
easiest one to keep.  Others like You shall have no other before me can
become more difficult to keep - such a commandment prevents any Christian
blessed from becoming a munchkin type character (because as soon as gaining
power becomes more important to him than God he has sinned)

Sermon on the Mount: Matthew chapters 5-7.
A longer passage, but effectively gives Jesus' view on the ten commandments
and how they should be applied in life which is quite helpful

As far as self defence is concerned, in my opinion, no matter what the
circumstance is the ends never justify the means as far as sinning is
concerned, murder is murder and sin is sin  - nothing excuses it.  If a
Christian killed someone who was just about to blow up a train - he has just
murdered someone - the fact that he was about to sin major time is no

I have more problems with how to rank sins rather than what is a sin as in
Christianity, a sin is a sin is a sin (if you know what I mean), whether it
is being proud or murdering someone.  For the purpose of the game I would
probably rank the sin, depending on the players reaction to the fact that he
has just sinned.  For the above example of shooting the bomber, if he showed
no remorse or ignored the sin, I would rank that as pretty major, if however
he was pretty shook up about it all and asked forgiveness then I would let
him away with a minor sin.  However if the blessed decided to initiate the
fight with intent to kill then it would be a major sin automatically.  I
would also rate torture as a pretty major sin.

For the example of the bomber this doesn't have to be the end of it as the
character could suffer flashbacks especially if facing a similar situation,
effectively he puts his soul on the line to save those children.  This would
just re-emphasise that a blessed character should not turn to violence as a
first option and the only time they can really cut loose is against

I would rate the differences between Christian denominations more as having
different ways of worshiping God rather than having different "sins" and
more of something that is brought out with roleplaying rather than rules.
If a blessed breaks a tradition or  stricture, those worshipers of the same
denomination may frown at him and make him the topic of gossip for the next

Anyway not the table you asked for, but I hope my thoughts/opinions help.
