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Graveyard Greg wrote:
> I forget if this thread was previously discussed, but what the heck.
> Antarctic Press publishes a comic book called FAR WEST. Basically, it's
> fantasy placed in the Wild West. You got sixguns and dragons, and it's a
> fun read!
> Only thing missing are humans. We got elves, ogres, pixies, and a slew of
> other fantasy races (including a talking bear!), but no humans.
> Like I said, it's a great read. Grab a copy or three while you still can!

It is!  I have the first run of four, plus the current second series of

Just a word of warning - they seem to get dirtier as the series goes on.

"Let us never speak of this again."


Sean Michael Whipkey - "I drink a lot of [beer]. Let me be socially 
responsible for a moment: If you are under 21, or driving, or both, then
 you should wait to drink until you turn 21 and/or park the car. And 
you'll want to stay away from Zima regardless." - ack@rpg.net