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Re: [DL] A quick question

LoL. Too true. But I need to know how to pronounce it, so that in the
evening, having successfully escaped from the nasty ol' rattler, I don't
make a fool of myself when I explain to the saloon gals how I
single-handedly defeated a Mojave rattler with nothing but a stick o'
dynamite and a jar of peanut-butter; "So, you see why they call me Dynamite
Dan. 'Course, that ain't the only reason, and if you would care to retire
with me I'll show you the second....". Sorry, couldn't resist.

While I'm on the soap-box, I have another problem. I'm a long-time PC,
first-time marshal, and in a couple of weeks I'm running my first adventure
for a first-time posse. Do you lot have any simple hints and tips? I'm
considering doing one of the following:
* An adventure based on the movie Seven, with heavy modification of course.
* An adventure based on the movie Deadman, with a little modification.
* An adventure of my own devising where the players chase up various
suspects in some horrific crimes, only to find each of the suspects is
innocent of the murders in question, but each guilty of something else
entirely. I like this idea, because I can start the players in a hack 'n'
slash type thing with the first suspect, (they're long-time AD&D hack 'n'
slashers, *shudder*, so I've got to ease them away from that), and gradually
show teach them that they're going to have to use more than just their guns.


Tim, a.k.a. Dan Wesson, alias: Dynamite Dan

> Welcome to the list, Tim.
> As to your question, I pronounce it,
> Derek "Rattler Chow" D. Bass