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Re: [DL] A quick question

> While I'm on the soap-box, I have another problem. I'm a long-time PC,
first-time marshal, and in a couple of weeks I'm running my first adventure
> for a first-time posse. Do you lot have any simple hints and tips? I'm
considering doing one of the following:
> * An adventure based on the movie Seven, with heavy modification of

     I like this idea a lot, actually. Perhaps the villain could be a
deranged Blessed has lost the favor of God, and is trying to get His favor
back by wiping out sinners. It seems to work in that he gets his powers
back, but the things that are granting those abilities to him are definitely
not God. The trickiest part here would be structuring the murder
spree/sermon so that the players don't instantly say, "Hey! This is just
like Se7en!" Maybe switch to the 10 Commandments or the plagues of Egypt
instead of the Seven Deadly Sins.

> * An adventure based on the movie Deadman, with a little modification.

     Hurm. I know it's a big favorite on this list, but I personally didn't
care for Dead Man. It had some excellent performances in it, but the plot
felt kind've aimless and that Indian sidekick annoyed the hell out of me.
Personal tastes, I suppose.

> * An adventure of my own devising where the players chase up various
suspects in some horrific crimes, only to find each of the suspects is
> innocent of the murders in question, but each guilty of something else
entirely. I like this idea, because I can start the players in a hack 'n'
> slash type thing with the first suspect, (they're long-time AD&D hack 'n'
slashers, *shudder*, so I've got to ease them away from that), and gradually
> show teach them that they're going to have to use more than just their

     Ooh. This is neat, too. One quibble. If all of the suspects are guilty
of something bad, then you might want to throw in some explanation as to why
this particular town is so seeded with evildoers. Maybe there's a pagan idol
hidden in the hills somewhere nearby which poisons the minds of everyone
living nearby, maybe the town's living under a curse, or maybe the barriers
between this place and the Hunting Grounds are just particularly weak. The
adventure possibilities of a place where everyone has skeletons in their
closet (sometimes quite literally) are almost endless.
