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[DL] Barbed wire - thinking

--- "Heivilin, Jim" <banzai@missouri.edu> wrote:
> > * fencing (more crude wood types & perhaps barbed
> wire);
> > 
> This started me wondering when barbed wire was
> invented 

Quick note, we know barbed wire exists in DL universe
(see RV&C pg 87).  Plus there are factories in the
Northeast (BE:TN pg 100-101 gives a nice factory} and
in Salt Lake City (City of Gloom).  Either place would
be a great source for barbed wire, or for some
demented reason you sent your players on a quest for
it ("We must find the holy barbed wire of Antioch").

Now this has gotten me thinking.  What other
inventions  were created around this period?

One that I found were Slot Machines.  They were
created in 1899 by a man named Charles Fay in San
Francisco.  I  don't remember all the details, but I
think I calculated him to be 16 in 1877.  Make him a
MS, have the manitous do the hokey pokey, and turn
history all about and -*poof*- slot machines make an
appearance in Reno in 1877.  Why Reno?  It's only just
a silver mining town at this point in history and
doesn't legalize gambling until the 1920's.  Well
that's true, but the manitous know a bit about whats
to come, and speed up events a little.  Besides
there's already a group interested in Reno (H&H pg
106), which implies some gambling exists.  Now if only
I can find any info that says Las Vegas existed at the
time (besides the same H&H reference, I'm talking real
world sources), I might move Charles there.

So again, what other inventions were made around this

-Munch Wolf

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