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[DL] A Quick Note

         I'm seeing an increase of emails sent to either 
"owner-<blah>@gamerz.net" or "<blah>-owner@gamerz.net," where <blah> takes 
on one of the following values:  BNW, DEADLANDS, HOE, or LC.

         Folks, if you send an email to bnw-owner@gamerz.net, it goes 
directly to my mailbox and doesn't get distributed to the list.  Same if 
you send an email to owner-bnw@gamerz.net.  Similar remarks apply for the 
other mailing lists.

         I mention this not because it's an inconvenience (it's not, or at 
least not a big one), but because I figure you folks would like the stuff 
you've written to the list to, y'know, actually get to the list.  =)

         So for future reference, keep the "owner" out of the "To" address 
of your emails to ensure proper list distribution.

         That is all.

         Owner/Operator of the Brave New World, Hell on Earth, Deadlands, 
and Lost Colony lists.