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Re: [DL] Not again (was: WWW)

>> Glad to see I wasn't the only one who hated (and was deeply
>> disappointed in) this movie. Some points:
>And while we're at it let's just dig up a few more long-dead horses.  Why
>didn't the Death Star shoot through the gas giant to hit the moon?

Yeah, why?

>What's the deal with Harrowed Chipmunks?

Yeah, what?

>Okay.  Some people liked WWW, some people thought it sucked big time.  Most
>everybody thought ST sucked big time.

>Any other old, tired topics we can dig out of the closet?

Maybe, whatcha got?

>Jim "why yes, my sarcasm meter is broken"
>let it die (again)

Sheesh. Sorry, but some of us (me, for one) weren't here the first time
around. I'm sure there are several topics that come and go in waves, as new
listers come on and others drop away. Besides, some things (like a healthy
hatred of the WWW movie) are universal and must be expressed, lest they
fester within, ultimately leading their owner to a dark and gruesome fate.

Honestly, sorry, I didn't realize I'd be aggravating anyone.

Derek "Usually _knows_ when he's being aggravating" D. Bass

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