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[DL] Deadlands Miniatures


For those seeking Deadlands miniatures, Titan Games has still a bunch of them:

Deadlands Miniatures
Individual Figures
    Masked Man (1202) [$2.1, N]
    Buffalo Soldier (1203) [$2.1, N]
    Huckster (1204) [$2.1, N]
    Shaman (1207) [$2.1, N]
    Hexslinger (1215) [$2.1, N]
    Pyro Master (1218) [$2.1, N]
    Demolitionist (1219) [$2.1, N]
    The Gal with no Name (1222) [$2.1, N]
Posse Packs
    Gunmen (1500) [$9.1, N]
    Scouts (1502) [$9.1, N]
    Walkin' Dead (1504) [$9.1, N]
    Gatling Gun & Crew (1506) [$13.3, N]
    Devil Bats (1507) [$11.9, N]
    USA/CSA Sharpshooters (1508) [$9.1, N]
    Texas Rangers (1509) [$9.1, N]
    Rail Crew (1511) [$9.1, N]
    Buffalo Hunters (1512) [$9.1, N]
    Nosferatu (1516) [$9.1, N]
    Ronin (1517) [$9.1, N]
    Pinkertons (1518) [$9.1, N]
    Clockwork Tarantulas (1519) [$9.1, N]

David Burtin
Poste (01.71.71) 52.54
CANAL+ Technologies
2-4 place Raoul Dautry
75014 Paris