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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20000616-2

Derek said,
> I was just tryin' to help, honest! I just wanted people to see what a neat
> magazine this was! <snif> I'll go back in my box now.

    Sorry, didn't mean anything by it (oh lord,. what have i done? Firswt
mail in a month and I destroy Derek's will to post... I'm off to do away
with myself. farewelll cruel world. I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyy<splat>
    Anyway, one for the more serious Deadlanders who also play Doomtown- are
any of the new Doomtown characters from the Lost Angels also in the RPG?
They are, I think, Alastor the Executioner (a fallen angel-type dude),
Enrique Alonso, a fairly rubbish blessed, and Megan Mallory... I remember
seeing a comment that RPG characters might appear more often in the CCG, and
wondered if that was right...
