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Re: [DL] FUDGE Deadlands?

>I'm thinking that it's theoretically possible to roll a d85 (if GRIP lets
>you do that) for Fate Chips, with 1-50 being a White, 51-75 a Red, and 76-85
>being a Blue.  You'd then probably have to keep track of which chips have
>been drawn and if a particular group runs out, then just reroll the result.
>If a Legend chip comes into play, just add a number to the die type (e.g.,
>if you throw a Legend Chip into the mix, just make it a d86).  The same
>would go for Black or Arcane, and if multiple funky chips get into the mix
>you'd just have to group them numerically.  That's how you'd probably have
>to work out the Fate Chips.

I was thinking of just converting the chips to FUDGE points--they work
kinda like fate chips, let you reroll, etc.  Just throw in some sort of
tracking that would keep track of how many of what type is out there. It
might lost a little something in the translation, but the intention is
still there.

>As for the cards, if FUDGE doesn't do card drwing, you'd just have to come
>up with a 1-54 list of individual cards and then just roll a d54.  That's
>what I was going to do for WebRPG.

GRIP has a card drawing utility, complete with red and black jokers.  FUDGE
would allow cards to be drawn depending on the quickness rolls.

I've got some preliminary notes, I'll try and get them on the web in the
next few days for review...


Daniel D Holmes, N7NKR               I'net: danielh@dakcs.com
Standard disclaimers apply wherever you can find a sticky spot.
"OK, your liver, two sheep, and a grain" --
                     Chevan Nanayakkara, during a game of Settlers of Catan