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[DL] Twilight rails

Started a new game of deadlands, thought I give a summary of the background up
to get commets or give other marshall some ideals.
The game is based on the ideal that a greater manitou decides to animate a
number of harrowed all at the same time, thus any one of them getting killed
off dont kill him, he cant spread them all about the country to cause more
fear all over, and if one of them gets dominion over him another wont, so he
can be active in at least one at a time. Seeing a train getting robbed the
mantiou helped a bridge that had been dammaged by a storm collapse under the
trail killing all aboard. While swooping in to grab some still warm bodied the
manitou is suddenlly opstruted by a Higher power, hoping to advoid a fight the
two make a deal, the mantiou gets a chance to possess the bodies of players,
and the higher power gets a chance to save them. Whats going to follow is a
series of adventures were the players get a chance to be heros or fail to be
heros, if at the end of the adventure the charater is more of a failure then a
hero he comes back as a harrowed, if hes more of a hero he comes back alive
and with some blessed gifts, and he he fall in the middle he dies a natural
death. The adventure are goin to be like a series of "worst nightmare"
harrowed domnion contests.
Along for the ride is a couple of NPC's which can end up either way based on
how the players interact with them.
Details of a players version of the first night can be found at (not a link,
just a address) www.steves-basement.com
The setting is starting a few days after the start of the wierd west, and the
players will return to the real world in the current setting.

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