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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20000628-2

--- Scott Hacker <smilingbandit2@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Patriot's Bullets
>>Taint: The owner of a patriot's bullet gains a 3
>>Yearnin' to uphold the rights of all Americans.
>Would that be just USA types, or are CSA types
>included?  How would it affect a Southenern?
>-Munch Wolf

The owner upholds the rights of a yankee or a rebel
(when the bullet was cast, there was only one America)

"I was a warped little boy.  Now I'm out to warp the youth of America."- Weird Al Yankovic
Remember, conformity is the mother of obscurity;
be true to yourself in everything you do.
Happy Roleplaying,
-The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>

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