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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20000702

The anathology with no name?
I'm nopt quite sure which one that is....
could you decribe it so I can buy it if I don't own it already? :)
<smacks arm, looking for next fix>

BTW my posse ran Grand Canyon adventure Canyon O Doom and here's the

Spoils of Adventure

During the Ballroom Fight, one harrowed character killed most of the
assailants and drove off the rest.  On the train, the harowed character had
his Ghost guns stolen buy the Cat and proptly threatened to kill everyone on
the train.
Trip to Cliffside uneventful, and the posse was getting bored, so I had the
mad scientist speed freak jump the grand canyon and fail miserably, leaving
a skull shaped stain on the opposite cliff side.  After the exhibition, the
gang went to the bar to get a drink.  The good doctor and his useless
bodyguard go on a sojurn around town with the harrowed character where the
are promptly shot to death by the ambush along the cliffside.  The harrowed
character was carrying a vial of greek fire that ignited and burnt down to
the Ghost rock mines underneath the town and blew up the town and everyone
in it.

But other than that, a pretty good adventure

Tom Sarsfield