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Re: [DL] Pitch

OK, I give up, who's Pitch?  It sounds _so_ familiar?  Is it one of the
Greater Manitou?  And what's the Dr. Pepper adventure?  This, too,
sounds familiar.  I hate when the answers are on the tip of my


--- Tim Denee <gilkison@ihug.co.nz> wrote:
> In the last session the huckster in my posse had his shadow possessed
> by
> Pitch. Once they were told about Pitch's full-possession rules, the
> entire
> posse was foaming at the mouth for the huckster to fail every hex he
> cast.
> And he did. Right at the climax of the adventure, (the Dr Pepper one,
> which
> went very well, by the way), Pitch took him over. A huge shadow
> ripped
> through the roof of the factory and swooped over the mountains like
> some
> shadow-phoenix. So anyway, I want him to be a recurring villain and I
> need
> some ideas for what he could look like. It has to be original and
> suitably
> awe-inspiring, not just a mass of shadows or an archetypal daemon...
> Thanks.
> Yours,
> Tim
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