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RE: [DL] Independence Day: Music

> -----Original Message-----
> I am going to run the conclusion of Independence Day on Monday.
> Does anyone have suggestions for good music for this scene?

An odd selection that may be an interesting contrast: The 1812 Overture.
It's always played alongside fireworks and would be a natural choice for
"non-partisan" music.  I'm about to run the end of Independence Day as well
and that's what I intend to have the band the Dodge City Fathers hired

> Also, what was the national anthems of the Union and the
> Confederation back in the 1870s? I don't think the players will
> enjoy me singing the current one.... nor the Canadian one... or
> anything else for that matter.

Unofficial hits would be "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" (Federal) and
"Dixie" (Confederate).  You might want to check Wiley's _The Life of Johnny
Reb_ and _The Life of Billy Yank_ for more popular tunes of the time.

Oh, one twist I decided to add to the game.  The Confederate Raiders are
operating on their own.  Because Vicksburg doesn't fall, the Confederacy
still celebrated July 4th in my game world -- although there is a movement
for establishing a holiday on the date of Confederate Independence (although
there is an argument as to whether it should be the day of the adoption of
the Confederate Constitution, the Firing on Fort Sumter, or the date of the
Secession of South Carolina...not that this has any impact on the game but
it is part of my attempt to produce an internally consistent game world for
my players.).
