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Re: [DL] mark authentics

Jolly wrote:
>I`m as a European can use the DL-supplements to improve my knowledge of
>the american history. But sometimes, especially when I read stories
>about after 1863 I`m asking myself: "Do I know now a little more history
>or not?". But in some cases I can`t figure out if before-event-stories
>are authentical, too.
>So I`m asking you, would it be an idea to mark authentic chapters of a
>story in future products?

	If you have any questions about real or DL history, please feel free to
post them here and one of the several history buffs currently on the list
will likely respond. I myself will be happy to help you, if I can.


Deo Vindice,
Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Additional Developer: *Deadlands: The Weird West* Revised Edition
Co-author of *Tales o' Terror: 1877* & *Back East: The South*
Southern by the Grace of God