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[DL] Re: Favorite Games

My List is:
1: Deadlands (both HOE and Regular)
The longest running campaign I've ever run. This is the game that's got me a 
"super gm" rep at the club I game at.
2: Heavy Gear
Giant Robots that make sense, and an Epic storyline the like of which I 
haven't seen since Robotech. Also, one of the most well defined universes 
I've ever looked at (Fictional recipies for foods that don't exist!)
3: Earthdawn
The only fantasy RPG I've ever read where they took all the stupid stuff 
from Ad&D (classes, levels, fighters with enough hit points to launch 
themselves from Orbit into an army of Orcs and still hack their way clear by 
the end of the day) and made it make sense, and better yet, work in a 
cohesive setting.
4: Dark Sun
It's just cool. Too cool.
5: Tie - Planescape and TMNT
Planescape, run properly, always had the potential for Uber-wierdness on a 
grand scale. And I just love TMNT because it was neat (Transdimensional 
Turtles - best time travel supplement I ever read). I trekked 1000 km just 
to get Mutants Down Under.
Reuben McCallum
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