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Re: [DL] Another one

> Leadership:
> While two of my posse members have it (although neither are just bursting
> with Mien), they never use it.  I don't know if it's player co-ordination
> issues, but they are definitely a trio of individuals (plus NPC) when it
> comes to situations where it might be helpful.  They've never used it to
> trade cards, OR to help negate surprise.


I'd use it if I had it, but I don't, and I have *way* too many other things
to do and not enough chips/bounty points to do even those.

Anyway, the last time one of the aforementioned players tried to use
Leadership, he went bust on his roll (remember the Nose Ferrets?). Maybe
that's why we don't use it as much.

Oh, and about chip spending, if we *did* let our compadre "twist in the
wind," as you put it, he'd be dead right about now, which is a highly
undesirable result (from both my standpoint and that of my character).

I suppose making good rolls spectacular might be a good idea, but then you
never know when you're going to need to salvage a truly horrible but
nevertheless important one.

Daphné "God, I hope we didn't earn another Black Chip" Brunelle
 "I've really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town. It's
the 'stay and gloat' that gets me every time."
                                  --Ethan Rayne, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer