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[DL] Well, soon to game...

In about two hours we'll be having a rare Friday evening game, and I just
wanted to wish the players (who should be away form their modems by now)
the best of luck - they may need it!

Actually, I just wanted to mention an excellent, if not figurine-scaled,
prop for train actions is the cut-out train cars included in the excellent
Call of Cthulhu 'Orient Express' campaign.  Many different types of cars
(including an Evil Shrine Car) to mix and match to make a train layout,
should it ever be necessary (like it might be tonight, he says with an
elaborate air of innocence).

Ah well, they had to deal with a Mojave Rattler last time; anything that
can fit on a train ought to be no problem after that (he says, setting up
the inevitable 'PC Train of Death' comments.  Never read that one - can't
find it in stores, y'see...).

Anyone else know any good train maps/layouts?  I'm considering investing in
Cardstock Cowboys for minis (or more appropriately, hitting the group up to
share on it, since $30 is a little steep, though it'll oubtless be useful).
