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Re: [DL] Well, soon to game...

In a message dated 7/28/00 4:40:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
coburn@sympatico.ca writes:

<< Anyone else know any good train maps/layouts?  I'm considering investing in
 Cardstock Cowboys for minis (or more appropriately, hitting the group up to
 share on it, since $30 is a little steep, though it'll oubtless be useful).

     It's not train-related, but if you can find it, you might want to pick 
up a copy of Strongholds by TSR. It's a collection of miscellaneous cardboard 
building cutouts. Although they're supposed to be Dark Ages-era structures, 
they don't have any distinguishing features that would preclude them from 
being found in the West, and they're easy to assemble. It's a cheap and easy 
way to get not-absolutely-terrible-looking villages for your posse to fight 

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