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[DL] Re: Worst Games

Okay, here goes: Donning Asbestos suit: Here are my least favorite games (in 
no particular order)
1: Rifts
But for different reasons. There were lots of things I liked about Rifts. 
Heaps. But too much stuff in the one setting. Try using all the different 
books. It's amazing earth is still around at all. An ancient evil empire in 
Atlantis (sho only want to trade), Vampire intelligences south of the 
border, the four horsemen of the apocalypse running rampant over Africa. The 
only thing keeping earth from total destruction is the massive amounts of 
other evil beasties. Just too much. And Mega Damage: Most ill-thought out 
concept when applied to Rifts (still kinda worked in Robotech).
2: Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk (take your pick)
Call me dense, but both these settings seemed so similar that the necessity 
of having them both seems ludicrous. Both were essentially earth-derived 
typical fantasy worlds. It offended me no end when TSR dropped dark sun, 
spelljammer, and now planescape, but they've kept these two archaic 
settings. And then introduced Mystaria as well! How incredibly redundant!
3: Marvel Super Heroes
Glorified Board Game with no play balance even vaguely concieved of.
4: Cyberpunk
This one's gonna get me eaten alive, I just know it. But I've rarely if even 
seen a game of Cyberpunk that gave a goddamn about anything other than 
getting the heaviest armor and biggest calibre weapon. Whenever I hear a 
conversation about this game, I never hear "That was a really cool idea" or 
"they explore that concept really well". I hear "So I was playing this full 
conversion cyborg, got my SP 40 overcoat, and my 4d6 damage...". Apparently 
some of the sourcebooks were good, but I never got past the main rules. I 
mean, your 'sposed to be playing ultra-cool killers, but "you better pay 
your phone bill!" and "Drugs are bad, m'kay?". Patronizing and juvenile. Any 
basis in cyberpunk novels was in passing only. Definately style over 
substance, that's for sure.
5: Werewolf: the Apocalypse
This one makes my list because it could have been good and instead it was 
predictable. Bash for Gaia! Slay them wyrm spawn! Get those Reknown! Raise 
It's D&D with fur and claws, nothing more, and it could've been.
Reuben "Scorched" McCallum
(The opinions above are the authors alone. Please don't see them as personal 
attacks, but feel free to flame in the same jovial spirit in which they were 
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