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[DL] Quickness

If you're not planning a combat character, (which you shouldn't do _all_ of
the time), then 2d4 quickness really isn't that bad. I quite often give my
character d4 in quickness; the rest of the posse can fight and I can do the
people-interaction side of things. I get irritated quite easily when people
play the game geared entirely around combat, mostly because the posse I run
are exactly like that. I'm breaking them of the habit though >:)


> Sorry this is a bit delayed but I've got to ask this.  Why on earth would
> you put 2D4 on Quickness?
> It's almost suicidal, unless of course it's your first character and you
> unfamiliar with the game.
> The original huckster in our group had a 3D4 Quickness and really did very
> little in comparison to everyone else; the way he had arranged his stats
> meant that he was effectively hosed in any combat situation.  After
> realising that he was hosed, the huckster got backlash, which messed up
> personaility, the player decided he became reckless to the point of
> suicidal.  He eventually met his end by riding into a camp of awakened
> Indians to rescue his friends. He couldn't ride and when an Indian
> accidentally shot his horse it stopped in the middle of the camp,  Failing
> his ridin roll miserably, he sat there and burned fate chips trying to
> survive, until he decided to go out with a bang.  He used Trinkets and got
> good enough hand to pull some Nitro, however the well canny Indian chief,
> knew of white mans compounds and made a wild guess at what he was doing.
> The chief using the card up his sleeve decided to break into the Hucksters
> action,  opposed Quickness rolls, 3XD4 vs 4D8, the huckster didn't have a
> chance, and so provided a nice distraction for the rest of the posse to
> escape as he went up with a loud bang.
> Roy "loves it when his posse's plan comes together.... but not as they
> expected it" Spence