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[DL] Re: Movie Obsessions [OT]

Saw Weird Al in concert here in San Diego last Saturday. If you have the
opportunity, go! It's a great show, with lots of funny little clips from all
his media exposures, from "Al"TV to UHF to fake celebrity interviews and
more. I've seen him twice this year, and he had a different show both times.
I bought UHF during the short time it was available, so I can watch it
whenever I want. <EVIL_GIGGLE>Hee hee hee!</EVIL_GIGGLE>

That's it, we now return you to your regular Topic, already in progress...

Derek "You get to drink from... the FIRE HOSE!" D. Bass

Me and my brother are both obsessed ith the Wierd Al Yankovich film "The
Vidiot from UHF". It's got michael richards and fran drescher in it. Me and
my brother don't need to rent that film anymore, we just reminisce between
ourselves. But it's still funny.
Reuben "Supplies!" McCallum

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