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RE: [DL] Space Cowboys (completely OT) (MCGLOTHLIN)

wes.anderson@lucasfilm.com wrote:

>By the way, that was a joke. I do not necessarily endorse the Church of the
>Seven Planes. I don't know nearly enough to do that, but it certainly is
>interesting that you can now be ordaned on the internet.

I got mine through the Universal Life Church at http://www.ulc.org/.
Unlike Seven Planes they don't really have any specific doctrine, and if
they send you money they'll change your title to Abbott or Eye of the Law
or whatever else you like.

To bring things back on topic, this is something that I like to point out
when beginning a Deadlands (or Cthulhu) game.  "How bad could it possibly
be?  I'm a clergywoman, after all!"

It's amazing how many people actually buy it.  >:D

Reverend R. Serena Wakefield
Visit muh site at http://welcome.to/serenasdojo/