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RE: [DL] Space Cowboys (completely OT) (MCGLOTHLIN)

You can also be ordained through the Universal Life Church
(www.ulc.org) they're who I used.

-Bryce "Padre" Perry

--- The Baron Samedi <baron11@netmcr.com> wrote:
> At 03:51 PM 8/7/00, you wrote:
> >By the way, that was a joke. I do not necessarily endorse the Church
> of the
> >Seven Planes. I don't know nearly enough to do that, but it
> certainly is
> >interesting that you can now be ordaned on the internet.
> Yea, there are a few you can do that through.
> me, well given it is a real possibility I may do that the old
> fashioned way 
> (if I choose that path, still deciding what to do with my life) I am
> not 
> real inclined to use any.
> Thus, I have no fun websights to offer myself...sorry. ;-)
> take care
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