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[DL] Questions on Deadlands Metaphysic (Goff) (spoilers)

I have a few questions on Deadlands/HoE

first, welcome back

second, unrelated to the other two: Epitaph #3 is supposed to have "New 
Spells"  are these Black Magic, Voodoo, or Witch?

OK, on with the serious questions:

I have noted that in Deadlands, two trends for powers exist:

Column A "Dark"  Hucksters, Mad Scientists, Black Magicians, Harrowed, 
Abominations (in HoE Witches) ect.

Column B "Spiritual" Blessed, Shamans, Voodooists, Anhuaks,  (in HoE 
Doomsayers, Templars, Junkers) ect.

since those heady days, a new column C has formed, of Miscellaneous: 
Sykers, Martial Artists, Knacks.

The question is, how do I classify them...here is why I ask:

Montgomery, Lord Falseworth, a Harrowed, sees a Martial Artist use Thunder 
Strums the Pipa, and uses Mimic.  Mimic works on A but not B.  can I Mimic 
C? Can I Mimic a Knack if I spend a Chip?

Cais McDurmish sees a Syker.  said Syker Brain Blasts him.  He uses Born on 
Christmas Day.  This Knacks provides armour vs. A but not B.  how about C?

Michael Morbious, Forsaken Huckster, is going to be healed by a Syker with 
Fleshknit.  As I understand it, Forsaken means nothing good from B can 
effect you, but A can.  How about C?  This could be important too for 
whether a Forsaken Martial Artist buys Blood of Gold!

As a side note, not to Muddy the waters, but I am aware that a Column D of 
sorts exists: magic.  It seems Voodoo, Hexes, and Black Magic are sometimes 
put together (assumedly Tool Tricks and Witch Spells apply here too) for 
purposes of some spells/abominations (like Tonton Marcout, or the Spell 
"Spell breaker", or the Gift "Magic resistant")  I am assuming this to be a 
different way of classifying powers altogether so I am not worried about it.

Looking forward to the reply