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RE: [DL] Is this place dead or what?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daedelus Magazine [mailto:daedelus@columbus.rr.com]
> Subject: Re: [DL] Is this place dead or what?
> True in past years there was a lot of Magic stuff going on. 
> As a recovering Magic player, I can see its draw. However, 
> I still have to classify Origins more towards
> Wargaming.
From the Dawn of Time(tm) Origins has been a wargaming/minitures con.  That
was what it was when it started all those years (25+) ago.  

> Then again I'd also like to see Con Guests that make sense too...
> Don't get my wrong, James Marsters is a cool guest but what 
> the sam does he have to do with any game.
Then I guess you didn't see the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" board game AH is
putting out now ... <g> ;-P

> Now I can hear the catcalls now... what does Bruce Campbell 
> have to do with RPGs?
> Not a thing... but at least he was in a Deadlands LARP.
He did the voice for the main character in "Tachyon the Fringe" (sure, a
computer game, but still).  He also did an intro for the 2ed DL books (one
of them anyway).
