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Re: [DL] Harrowed - Spoilers

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:56:40 -0700 (PDT), deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  --- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
>  > > S
>  > >
>  > > p
>  > >
>  > > o
>  > >
>  > > i
>  > >
>  > > l
>  > >
>  > > e
>  > >
>  > > r
>  > >
>  > > s
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > A) Supernatural Trait:  Either it should be
>  > changed so
>  > > Spirit is the only trait that it cannot affect, or
>  > > that whenever it is pumped up, the manitous spirit
>  > > also gets pumped.  After all, why would the
>  > manitou
>  > > grant a power that harms itself?
>  Personally I think chips are enough to take care of a
>  munchkin Harrowed, but after reading one too many
>  posts about a Harrowed Blessed Martial Artist killing
>  Stone I just had to rant.  Also the present dominion
>  rules seem weaker than the old rules, and I was
>  looking for a way to reflect the character becoming a
>  monster.  Maybe make the semi-abomination at twice
>  spirit, and the full abomination at three times.
>  -Munch Wolf

Here is an intresting way to go about this.  Corruption points.  I didn't
much like them for werewolves and vampires but the idea has merits.  Take
this senerio for example...

Your posse is inside of a fair sized town.  It is full of widows and
orphans.  The band of (secretly)harrowed cannibal rouge texas rangers is
attacking and kidnapping some of the widows and orphans.  Now your
(munchkin/lawyer, whatever kind) harrowed chooses to shoot at the leader
even though he is useing a woman as a human shield.  The shot misses, (and
with supernatural deftness too!) and you choose to use the innocent
bystander rules.  (again secretly) you fudge the roll.  The shot goes short
of it's target and hits the woman being used as a shield, goes through her
and kills timmy the orphan innocently playing in the background.  This would
net the harrowed two corruption points.

when corruption points = spirit (before supernatural additions of course)
the harrowed loses what is left of his humanity and becomes a full fledged

Now here is the kicker.  Every time your harrowed gains a corruption point
offer him a free level in an existing harrowed power.  Don't tell him about
the corruption points just give him the free power and let him figure out
where it came from.  The more evil acts he proforms the more power the
manitou rewards him with.  Then when he become an abomination you have all
those extra powers to play around with.

The best way to handle this is to put a whole lot of innocent people into a
game but describe all their actions as being evil or sinister to the
harrowed.  Everything they do is evil and they all appear to be a conspiricy
out to destroy the harrowed.  The more corruption points the more evil
everything becomes.

As an aside you could use every corruption point as a +1 bonus for dominion
checks for the manitou.  Unlike the werewolf and the vampire harrowed
corrution points are not availble for buyback, even with legend chips.  Once
you are on the road to hell my friend you don't come back easy.

Ron "Sadistic Marshal in Training" Conner

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