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RE: [DL] New stuff?? (PEG guys)

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:22:25 -0400, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  >>The Collegium. ;-)<<
>     Do we know what the Collegium is at this point? I am obviously new to
>  the game and have never heard of them before.
>  >>To be more exact, it contains RPG info on the Doomtown faction, but the
>  majority of the book is more mad science gizmos and steampunk cyborgs.<<
>     Sounds cool. 
>            Seanchai

The Collegium or The Distinguished collegium of Interspatial Physics was
formed shortly after the discovery of ghost rock in the town of Gomorra in
the Great maze.  The collegium was formed to allow mutual protection and
assistance for member to persue their experiments without interuption or
trouble.  Sadly trouble followed.  With the tragic death or Sherrif Coleman
by the sweetrock mineing company and the murder of one of their own members
(pierre Fontaine) at the hands of the Maze Rats (Kang's boys)The collegium
vowed to bring law and order to the town by useing thier gadgets to find and
stop criminals.  Mostly the maze rats.  They eventually devised a huge robot
called Suzie 309 who was taken over by a manitou and laid waste to most of
the town.  They then sank the typhoon, the maze rats ship and slaughtered
most of the crew.

Later when the evil demon knicknivin rose up out of the ashes of Lord
Grimley's mansion they created a "magic bus" that was armed to the teeth. 
They drove it around the town killing zombies, demons and eventually running
up against the big K himself.  This was the last moment for most of the
member of the collegium as knicknivin ripped the bus in half in a huge

The collegium is currently rebuilding after the destruction of their meeting
hall and the death of many pominent members.

There has been mention of a deal with Darius Hellstromme and the wastach

Hope that helps...see Doomtown or bust for characters, better history and
such.  Check out the story pages at Gerry Crowe's website the Crows nest for
some great fictions.

Ron "Long winded" conner 

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