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[DL] PEG Internal Art (Goff)

[OK,OK so my secret's out, while on holiday I visited some art
galleries and soaked up some culture - so maybe some of it has rubbed
off on me and I'm noticing these things more.]

I don't know if there is any way to say this politely, but am I the
only one to think that the art within Hexarcana sucked big time.  I
will clarify this a bit by saying that, I am not meaning the full
splash pages at the end of each chapter, but the smaller art
throughout the book.  Some was better than others, but the style of
art tends towards the thick rough sketching, with little or no detail
("look I can draw in crayon"), and looks to have taken at most 5
minutes to complete!

OK, maybe that's a bit excessive, but there are some particularly bad
pictures within Hexarcana.  I don't know if in a effort to get the
book out on time PEG needed the stuff done in a hurry, or what; it
just looks to be poor and in my opinion lets down the text pretty
shamefully (does that sound as if I'm being too grovelly to Mr Goff?).
The art just makes me want to turn the page to get rid of it rather
than complete the text on the page.  Maybe I shouldn't knock the
artist that, for all I dislike his art, can draw a heck of a lot
better than me (unless of course the stick man image is the one PEG
want to use - in which case I'm willing to discuss all possible

The last Deadlands product I can remember being impressed with the art
was Dommtown or Bust (didn't like the cover much - but that was just
the subject rather than the style :-) ).  Maybe this required more
detailed art to convey NPC features and locations, but I was surprised
by the high quality (not that I was expecting a lower quality from
PEG, but in general the art here I felt was of a higher quality than
most of the RPG supplements that I own)

Anyway that's me for my artistic rantings.  

Roy " now artistically enlightened" Spence