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Re: [DL] PEG Internal Art (Goff)

A number of issues contributed to Hexarcana. The thing about art in the
gaming business is you'd better have a backup plan ready; in Hexarcana's we
needed three. :-)

And unfortunately, we didn't have them.

Still, our guys did the most they could with the situation in the time they
had. Otherwise, the book would still be sitting on the production table.

Since the con season has come and gone, we've made several new artist
contacts (one or two of them are likely to be familiar names to folks on
this list), and hopefully we can avoid getting our backs to the wall again.

> The last Deadlands product I can remember being impressed with the art
> was Dommtown or Bust (didn't like the cover much - but that was just
> the subject rather than the style :-) ).  Maybe this required more
> detailed art to convey NPC features and locations, but I was surprised
> by the high quality (not that I was expecting a lower quality from
> PEG, but in general the art here I felt was of a higher quality than
> most of the RPG supplements that I own)

That's 'cause they came straight from full-color paintings commissioned for
the CCG. Each quarter-page piece cost more than four normal ones normally
do. We were able to get it because of licensing agreements. :-)

We've discussed using more of that art, but the problem is it is _so_
high-quality (and rightly so at more than 4x the cost) putting side-by-side
in a book with other art would do nothing but make the other art look bad.

Unless we do a whole book with the art, it's doubtful we'll try it again...
