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Re: [DL] Dynomite questions.

on 8/28/00 12:17 PM, Jeff Yates at jyates@poboxes.com wrote:

> Hey listers, I would like to hear how the other Marshals out there handle
> these things.  I've got my own ideas, but it'd be educational to find out how
> others have done it.
> 1)  My posse is in the process of trying to kill a couple Rattlers.  As a
> group, they've never had much luck with explosions -- many a hombre found
> himself under Boot Hill after dynomite or flamethrower tanks blew up.  Despite
> this, they quickly took possession of a large crate of 30 sticks to use
> against the Rattlers.  And managed to set them all off at once.  The plan was
> good, except they weren't quite far enough away.  They survived, but barely!
> Now the questions:  what do your posses use as the burst radius (5 or 10
> yards, I use both, depending on how much 'shrapnel' is available), do you use
> the 10d20 max damage (I didn't cuz I didn't remember it, not having that many
> sticks in one place before), and do any of you place a maximum overall burst
> diameter (damage stops x yards out, even if there are enough dice to continue
> the burst radius reduction)?

You know Jeff, it's posts like this that just make my day.

We have never really had too much to do with explosives in my game, but a
new player's character has an unhealthy fascination for things that go
'boom!' and lacks the common sense gawd gave a goat, so I'm sure things are
going to get more interesting in our neck of the woods.

Emily, are you listening?

Ross Coburn