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Re: [DL] Small change in tactics

--- Daphne Brunelle <dbrune4@po-box.mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Having gotten a number of complaints about boring
> posts and so forth, I'm 
> going to stop posting the write-ups of my posse's
> adventures to the list.

Oh, please don't.  I find it enjoyable reading the
stories of different posses, and don't find them
off-topic.  It's great for adventure ideas, and it's
interesting seeing how different Marshals handle
various situations.  Just from your last adventure I
had this weird idea for either a new edge or an
optional rule:

Too Dumb to Die: (as an optional rule)  Anytime a
charater dies, make a Foolproof (3) Cognition check. 
If you succeed, the character dies like normal.  If
you fail this roll, then the character will still die,
but gets to perform actions for an additional round
before finally falling.  On a botch, the character
stays standing for 1d6 more rounds, before shuffling
off this mortal coil.

(As a 1 point edge):  All of the above is true, as
well as the following.  For each round the character
remains standing he draws an additional card for
coming back harrowed.  If one of these additional
cards is the joker that brings him back, then he comes
back immediately as harrowed and all his maimed
results change to criticals.

Character's already harrowed do not follow these
rules, even if they suffer a fatal shot.

-Munch Wolf

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