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[DL] Re: rk post (was PEG Internal art)

>>Please, PLEASE! say thay you guys signed rk post.  That guy Rocks!  I've met
>>him and he has done some kick ass deadlands stuff.  Includeing Trippazorah
>>Whatley, and the cover of doomtown or bust.  

I'm going to have to agree here. Post's stuff do rock. I have one of the promo fliers for Reaping of Souls that I'm considering mounting under glass, though if I could get a print of the piece I'd be much happier (it's the one of Tzipporah Whateley). You say that you got one of his prints. Does he sell them online, or did you get it from him at a con?

>>And also this one really nice
>>piece of a red headed woman with a black hand print over her face, in a

That would be Sheriff Syn of Soddum, sister city to Gomorra, and it ranks up there with the other one as far as pieces I'd like to own. Deliciously creepy (and I'm not talking about Todd trying to sell Scooby Doo to small children).

>>The full sized on is sitting in the office of one of
the brand managers.  Don't think it's you John, maybe >>the doomtown one.

I think either Dave Williams or Patrick Kapera has that honour. It absolutely dominated the AEG booth at both of the major summer cons.
