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Re: [DL] Massive Damage

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 23:17:57 -0400, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  Okay, I understand how massive damage works in general, but I have a
>  question - It says you can take damage to the same location twice (or
>  something like that). Now then, some dynamite explodes and is going to do
>  wounds to 3 locations on some poor sap. I roll hit locations normally and
>  get Guts, Guts and Arm. His arm is blown clean off, but does he take 12
>  wounds to the Guts or just the 6?
>  The rules seem to imply that he would take 12, but that's more damage
>  was actually rolled, as far as I can see. Does the "hit the same
>  mean that you just don't reroll the location if it hits there twice, or
>  it mean you've just *seriously* greased yet another fool without
>  Demolitions? (He could chip 6 wounds. 12? No way.)

Whoah there partner...you've got the two systems confused.

Let me explain a bit better.

under the old system-> you roll 3d20 damage for the first 10 yards of
radius.  If a cowpoke is inside that radius you roll the 3d20 and lets say
you get a 13, an 11 and an 18, lucky you.  the total damage is 42.  Devide
that by 6, (for an average cowboy) and you get 7 wounds.  you then apply
each wound to a seperate location.  This could result in multiple wounds
being applied to the same location, thus you could receive 3 wounds to the
guts, one to the right arm and one to the left leg.  Not to shabby for being
five feet from a bomb blast.  Blow a blue chip and you barely have to limp
away from the explosion.

The NEW way->  Our same cowpoke is in the same explosion but this time his
marshal isn't pansy little wussy boy he's big nasty goff wannabe.  Under the
new rules first we roll a d6.  This tells us how many locations get the
blast.  If we roll a 6 then the whole body takes the blast. If we roll a 1
then we choose a location the normal way by rolling a d20.  If for instance
you get between a 2 and a 5 you still roll location and if it applies to the
same one say guts, guts, guts, guts and guts then you apply all the damage
to the same location.  Each location in turn receives the FULL ammount.  so
3d20 to the guts, followed by 3d20 to the guts, followed by (you get the
picture.  In this way even if you roll a 1 on the d6 you can get a lethal
result because 7 wounds to any location is most certianly fatal if not
uncomfortable.  Getting your arm blown off with the additional 7d6 wind,
stun and bleeding will get them every time.

Hope that helps

Ron "BOOM!" conner

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