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[DL] Other Historical Figures

I'm also interested in what the books make of Thomas Edison (who was a
telegraph operator during the Civil War, and who then moved East to
Boston, because it was the scientific hub of the time).

In 1876 he moved to Menlo Park and invented the first phonograph. :)

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in Boston, Massachusetts and
sent the first message in 1876.

I wonder where he is in the Deadlands universe, too? :)

Nikola Tesla emigrated to America in 1884, but it's possible that in the
Deadlands universe he might've emigrated sooner.  Tesla invented
Alternating Current (AC) and had a dream of creating wireless power (and
did lots of other things.  He's a very colorful character, and one of the
closest RL models of a Deadlandsesque "Mad Scientist" there was, though
don't take that as an insult, you Tesla fans out there.)

Emily Dickinson, in the "real world", led a very quiet life in Amherst,
Massachusetts--but she was quite interested in(and some say she loved and
was heartsick for) Reverend Charles Wadsworth, who went west in 1860.
Perhaps in the Deadlands world, she followed him west.

In 1876 Ralph Waldo Emerson was lecturing at the University of Virginia
and was quite famous at the time.  I wonder what he's doing in the
Deadlands world?

I'm interested in other people's lists of interesting historical figures
and what they might be doing in Deadlands :)  The PEG folks have done a
great job with war heroes, political figures, and gunslingers, but I'm
also interested in the great inventors, authors, poets, and the like of
the time.

   "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public
       		relations, for Nature cannot be fooled." 
						--Richard P. Feynman
                          Scott "Shayd" Roberts
shayd@cybernex.net ** http://www2.cybernex.net/~shayd ** sroberts@globix.com