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Re: [DL] X-Squads Generic?? [GRW/HN]

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:52:36 -0500, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  The justification, I believe, is that not only Wasatch can make gizmos,
>  and theoretically any rail baron can hire gizmo troops.  First, they
>  shouldn't call the generic ones "X-Squads," since that name's exclusive
>  to Wasatch.  Also, I think this steals 90% of Wasatch's thunder, and they
>  should have some big benefit to make up for it.  Maybe really reliable
>  gizmos would be appropriate, or X-Squads with higher Smarts to deal with
>  malfunctions.
>  On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 10:45:12 -0400 Paul Wilson
>  <Paul.Wilson@po-box.esu.edu> writes:
>  > 	I was looking over the errata to the High Noon rules and 
>  > noticed that the X-squads are now listed as a generic troop type not a 
>  > Wasatch only troop. Is this correct or am I misreading the post?
>  From Whom It May Concern,
>  Rich A Ranallo

I agree.  Each group has certian advantages and disadvantages.  Now each
group can buy tanks, and trains with cannons but what does wastach have that
it can use as a standard grunt troop?  Nothing now.  Even iron dragon has
something unique.  The ronin and tong gangs both make great foot soliders. 
Walking dead, usa/csa troops and even wolves if you want to go that far. 
What happens when each army has the troops of the other.  Oh gee now the
union blue army I always wanted can have hanging judges, walking dead, a
steam tank and a troop of automotons.  What makes it union blue?  Nothing
because the name of the army no longer matters.  

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.  It's just one troop type.  But why
should wasatch sacrifice a very nice troop type just so that the pinkertons
who already have gattling pistols.

Maybe the way to even the odds with the different railroads and groups that
are fighting out the war here is to make them really different.  Like Union
Blue for example.  Aside from unique troops what else do they have?  A
charismatic leader?  A noble cause?  An endless supply of hardened frontline
veterens with which to throw at the enemy?

So give union blue some railroad specfic skills.  Say +1 to guts checks, +50
points to buy troops or upgrade other troops.

Something kinda like that I'm too wiped to think of anything for each
railroad but I'm sure the more creative of you can fill in.

Ron Conner

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