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Re: [DL] Carver's Landing stories

--- Ronald Conner <marshal_dude@excite.com> wrote:
> Just out of personal curiosity what kind of
> character are you playing?  As a
> marshal I would enjoy a good chuckle over what is
> happening.  I won't spill
> the beans but I have a personal intrest in this one.

Oh, it's not me - it was Professor Jackson the
werewolf.  He chose to "go fuzzy" rather than bleed to
death after a serious to the Guts and the good Doctor
Reed off healing a Sasquatch (LONG story...). 
Maggie's just a normal 'ol two gun kid.

One of these eons, when I have time (read: when I get
rich) I'd love to write this all up and make a web
page.  If you'd like the long and the short of it,
send me a personal e-mail and I'll hash it out for
> I'll explain with spoilers later.

I'll make sure not to read.  I value my having my head
attached to my sholders!

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen



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