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[DL] Re: Combined Format

>>>I love Deadlands.  I enjoy playing, and I buy quite a bit of the 
>>>material.  So do a number of my players, though by no means all of them.

I am not interested in Hell on Earth.  The subject matter just doesn't
appeal, nor frankly does the presentation.  Obviously I haven't looked at 
Lost Colony, but if I'm going to play/run a sci-fi game, I'd play Traveller 
first and a couple of others a distant second.

I realize that combined books are designed to cross-pollinate (for lack of a 
better term) the various product lines.  In my case, they will not, and I 
will be FAR less likely to buy a book that only marginally relates to my PEG 
game of choice.<<<

-Well on the opposite side of that coin, you get folks like me that love all 
things PEG.  I look forward to intergrated books it'll save me money, and 
I'll get more punch for my buck.

The only thing I'm concerned about is finding the information I need when I 
need it.  Gonna be alot more "Dang Nabbit!  Where was that &@#$*&! article?" 
  ;0 (Doh)

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