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Re: [DL] Re: Combined Format $$$$$$$$$$

> Major Snippage: so if you're Thin-Skinned DON'T READ THIS:
Snippage aside, our friend here made a few valid points.

*snipping stuff about high school, computer RPGs, etc.*

> That said, PEG has the right to survive.   I love PEG, I love their games, I
> love their originality, and I love the way they really try to keep us, the
> customers, happy.  They really listen to us, and those of you who have
> played, or continue to play, games from other companies know just how unique
> that is.

That's why we love 'em :-)

That being said, I disagree with the following:

> Now they got a new idea that's gonna save them a lot time, money and
> possibly pull they're book sells out of the toilet; the terrifying
> "Cross-Pollinated" Source Books.  And with one or two exceptions (thank you
> Dirk,) all 90% of you could talk about was how you were jumpin' the PEG ship
> because you weren't getting exactly what you wanted.
> You haven't even seen the new format yet and you're already writing it off
> as a failure.

I think you may have misread all this. As far as I could tell, people
weren't talking about jumping ship on PEG because of their new strategy.
Rather they were voicing concerns that this new strategy might affect PEG
negatively, given that many people tend to run/play in only one setting and
would therefore hesitate before buying source material that they would
probably never use.
After all, it would hurt PEG just as much if not more if their regular
customers bought fewer books because of the combined format. I'm not saying
it couldn't work (I'm an English Major: what do I know about marketing?),
I'm just pointing out that people seem to be concerned about this, and that
it ought to be taken into consideration -which is exactly what the PEG guys
have been doing thus far, so kudos to them for that :-)

> If folks like that had been flyin' Kitty Hawk we woulda never left the
> ground.  Look, all I'm saying is don't jump off the plane before we leave
> the run way.

Of course, falling twenty feet is probably less painful than falling twenty
thousand feet ;-) However, your point is taken.

> Buy one or two of the new books.  Don't judge it by it the
> cover,  Buy it!  If ya don't like it, fine, don't buy anymore.  But if ya do
> like it, who knows, ya might just start going along with one of the other
> game lines, and if enough of ya do that, you might guarantee that PEG will
> be around for our kids to play. Or don't.  Go ahead, keep whining and give up
> on PEG all together.  Enough of ya do that, and I guarantee that in another
> year or two, you won't have anything left to complain about.

Or potentially, with lots of input like the kind I've been seeing on the
list today, PEG will come up with something even better, and all that
"whining" will have amounted to a better product, which will result in more
profits, which in turn will result in the rebirth of the entire gaming
industry... or something like that ;-) (Hey, I'm an optimist)

Just my 0.02$ (Canadian, in my case -I'm planning to vote tomorrow *g*)

"That's the kind of woolly-headed, liberal thinking that leads to
being eaten."
                                       -Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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