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Re: [DL] Re: Combined Format $$$$$$$$$$

>Now they got a new idea that's gonna save them a lot time, money and 
>possibly pull they're book sells out of the toilet; the terrifying 
>"Cross-Pollinated" Source Books.  And with one or two exceptions (thank 
>you Dirk,) all 90% of you could talk about was how you were jumpin' the 
>PEG ship because you weren't getting exactly what you wanted.

Jumping ship...no, no I belive I complained that this would be a bad move 
on their part...and offered up facts to back it up.  I don't think much of 
anyone was jumping ship...merely offering up constructive criticism (no you 
guys suck posts even)

I belive PEG is making a mistake that will cost them.  I am sorry you feel 
that warning them they may be doing so is bad.  However, that you would 
have us stand silently by rather then warn PEG of the potential problems 
does not bode well...

>You haven't even seen the new format yet and you're already writing it off 
>as a failure.

we have to a degree.  here and elsewhere.

>If folks like that had been flyin' Kitty Hawk we woulda never left the 
>ground.  Look, all I'm saying is don't jump off the plane before we leave 
>the run way.  Buy one or two of the new books.  Don't judge it by it the 
>cover,  Buy it!  If ya don't like it, fine, don't buy anymore.  But if ya 
>do like it, who knows, ya might just start going along with one of the 
>other game lines, and if enough of ya do that, you might guarantee that 
>PEG will be around for our kids to play.

who is jumping the plane?

>Or don't.  Go ahead, keep whining and give up on PEG all together.  Enough 
>of ya do that, and I guarantee that in another year or two, you won't have 
>anything left to complain about.

would be tragic.  I wouldn't stop playing.  Heck, I still play Falkenstien.

>Don't say I didn't warn you,

You did
But you would have me not warn others...