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RE: [DL] Magazines (was: combined books)

> >Would it be possible or cost effective
> >to maybe run a monthly PEG magazine at a reasonable price?  I'm thinking 
> >something like TSR's Dragon mag or Games Workshop's White Dwarf mag.  
> >it priced at $5-7 and open the submissions up to freelance work.
>Magazines make their money through advertising, not cover price.  > 
> >starving authors out there (I am one myself) who are happy to work on the
> >cheap.  Pay people who write articles with a signed Deadlands book of 
> >choice or something.  You'd be shocked how many submissions you'll get 
> >it costs you guys the wholesale of a book plus the 5 seconds it takes to
> >throw on your John Hancock.

I would hate to see PEG's product become as watered down as the contents of 
Dragon magazine.  Don't get me wrong.  I would love to see a monthly 
publication dealing with all things Pinnacle, but realisticly it wouldn't 
fly.  The cost would be far too high, Goff's wife would divorce him, because 
it seems , that there are very few individuals they trust with the 
storyline, and he would be writing night, day, and everything in between.

>I know a *lot* of people have mentioned fan/free-lancer submissions, but 
>not sure that this *really* would save PEG any money.  Granted they are
>always taxing their own creative juices, but someone still needs to select,
>edit, and format submissions, plus a whole bunch of other things, to get
>them ready for publication.  Plus, there is the added difficulty of
>maintaining story line consistency...

So they toss articles that stray to far from the storyline.  It would be 
interesting to know how succesfull RVC was, since much of it was written via 
fan submission.  I would think they would save money on work by unpublished 
authors.  I for one, would love to see something written by Ghoull for 
instance, and how many of us were inspired by Brian's, good hearted, 
boasting about seeing his name in the preverbial lights of a PEG product.  
All Christopher had to do was mention putting someones name in his next 
sourcebook, and we were salavating like Pavlov's dog.

So John or Shane, tell us, when will you'll be accepting more articles, 
ideas and concepts,  from the fans?

Scott "I'll start tonight" Cawson
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