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Re: [DL] Game Mags (Goff)

>Now--before someone points out this as an argument against the combined
>books, I _don't_ think it applies.
>Material that is suitable for the Weird West also has a place in HOE (and LC
>once that hits the shelves), as the Weird West represents the foundations of
>those other two games. Many HOE games use arcane backgrounds from the Weird
>West and much of the history to the setting (and again LC) is tied to events
>touched off in the orange books.
>By doing a Weird West article, we're not automatically excluding the HOE
>players, nor are we even requiring them to do any major "conversions" as is
>the case with other systems.
>And, to beat the combined format horse yet again, that sort of book lets us
>cover all the points that deserve it, but may not fill a full sourcebook.
>For example, since nearly the onset, we've had cries for a book on the
>non-arcane background/non-gunfighter character types. Personally, I doubt a
>muckraker sourcebook would sell too many copies, but it would make for an
>interesting article. :-)
>The same applies for time periods other than the Old West or the
>Post-Apocalypse. I'd love to explore the roaring 20s, WWI and WWII, the 50s,
>and so on in the DL universe, but I don't know that we could ever dedicate a
>full sourcebook to doing so. However, I can fit that into a combined book.
>Same for other countries, like England, Prussia, or even whole continents
>like Africa or Australia.

oooh...he said Roaring 20s...only time I like better then Victorian.


Well, that is true, and I do not think the magazine argument applies here 
either, I will agree with that.

I also agree if you went and threw in "AB: Half-Wendigo"  or something like 
that it would be relevant for HoE people.  However, MOST weird west stuff 
would not be used by MOST of the HoE people who don't run WW, so that is 
where that falls apart.

Still, I agree, the problem with Magazines is not the problem the 
theoretical Deadlands books face.  Not that they don't face problems, but 
that is not one of them.

>Whoops...sorry, I got off on a tangent. :-)
evident High School Kid ;-)